Epclusa Cost in India

3 min readMay 5, 2024


In India, the cost of healthcare and medications is a critical concern for millions of people, especially for those living with chronic conditions like hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Epclusa, a highly effective combination therapy for HCV, has been a game-changer in the treatment landscape, offering a cure for the majority of patients. However, the cost of brand-name medications like Epclusa can be prohibitive for many in India.

As of my last update, the list price for a 12-week course of treatment with brand-name Epclusa in India ranges from approximately $900 to $1,000 USD. While this may still seem expensive, it represents a significant reduction compared to the price of Epclusa in countries like the United States, where it can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Despite the lower price, Epclusa may still be out of reach for many patients in India, particularly those from low-income backgrounds or without adequate health insurance coverage.

To address the issue of affordability, generic versions of Epclusa have become available in India, offering a more cost-effective alternative for patients. Generic medications are bioequivalent to their brand-name counterparts, offering the same therapeutic benefits at a fraction of the cost. Generic Epclusa is typically priced much lower than the brand-name drug, making it more accessible to patients in India and other countries where it is available.

As of my last update, the cost of a 12-week course of generic Epclusa cost in India can range from approximately $300 to $500 USD. This substantial reduction in price has made treatment more accessible to a broader population, including those who may have previously been unable to afford it. The availability of generic Epclusa has been welcomed by healthcare providers, patient advocacy groups, and policymakers as a significant step forward in improving access to HCV treatment in India.

One of the key factors driving down the cost of generic medications in India is the country’s robust generic pharmaceutical industry. India is known as the “pharmacy of the world” due to its extensive production of generic drugs, which are exported to countries around the globe. The competitive market environment in India has led to lower prices for generic medications, benefiting patients not only in India but also in other countries where Indian generics are exported.

Despite the availability of generic Epclusa, challenges remain in ensuring equitable access to treatment for all individuals living with HCV in India. Barriers such as awareness, diagnosis, and healthcare infrastructure limitations can impact access to care, particularly in rural and underserved areas. Moreover, stigma and discrimination surrounding HCV may deter individuals from seeking testing and treatment, further exacerbating disparities in care.

In conclusion, while the cost of Epclusa in India may still present challenges for some patients, the availability of generic versions has significantly improved access to HCV treatment for many. Generic medications offer a more affordable alternative to brand-name drugs, making treatment accessible to a broader population. Continued efforts to address barriers to care and promote awareness of HCV testing and treatment are essential to ensure that all individuals living with HCV in India can access the care they need to achieve cure and improve their health outcomes.

